Tuesday, June 17, 2008

Knowledge Sharing and Yahoo Answers : Everyone Knows Something

What I read is Knowledge Sharing and Yahoo Answers : Everyone Knows Something
and the last fellow writings is my opinion
Knowledge Sharing And YahooAnswers :
Everyone Knows Something

YahooAnswers is a large and diverse question-answer forum. Where one can seek advice , gather opinions , and satisfy one’s curiosity about a countless number of things.
One of the largest knowledge exchange communities is Yahoo which can share knowledge and expertise online. It is a kind of collective brain-a search –able database of everything everyone knows.
Prior work
Sharking knowledge has been a research topic for at least 15 years , but now internet-scale knowledge sharing is of considerable interest . This knowledge sharing includes repositories (concluding those socially constructed as with wikipedia ) as well as online forums designed for sharing knowledge and expertise.
In general , there is a large body literature examining on-line interaction space , especially Usenet , this line of research also used social network analysis to examine forums.
Yahoo Answers And Data Set
The format of interaction on YA is entirely through questions and answers. A user posts a question , and other users reply directly to that question with their answers. It is important to note that these discussions are constrained by the setup of the YA system for technical expertise sharing with a strict question and answer format . Threads must still start with a question , YA users discuss by answering the question ,not by addressing one another. Furthermore one cannot answer more than once nor can one answer oneself , making Usenet-type discussions difficult.
Characterizing YA Categories
1 . Basic Characteristics
Based on an initial examination of YA, we expected that every category would have some mix of requests for factual information , advice seeking , and social conversation of discussion .
2. cluster analysis of categories
The are several aggregate measurements for each category . The activity in each category ranged from 216061 questions in singles & Dating , to 129013 questions about religion and spirituality , 48624 mathematics questions , and only 5 questions on dining out in Switzerland. The analysis considers 189 categories, which together constitute over 91% of all questions posed on YA.
3. Network structure analysis
By connecting users who ask questions to users who answer them , we can create an asker-replier graph ; we call these QA networks. The analysis of QA networks sheds light on important aspects of interaction that are not easy captured by non-network measures.
4. Expertise Depth
5. Expertise And Knowledge Across Categories
Given the wide variety of behavior and interests in the different forums , we saw
An opportunity to describe how knowledge and expertise are spread across different
Domains .
6. Predicting Best answers
So far, that have observed distinct question-answer dynamics in different forums . The results for Yahoo answers stand in stark contrast to our previous analysis of Sun’s Jave Forum, where the number of previous replies strongly correlated with the expertise level as judged by independent human raters.
7. Conclusions
Yahoo Answers is a large and diverse question answer community, acting not only as a medium for knowledge sharing , but as a place to seek advice , gather opinions , and satisfy one’s curiosity about things which may not have a single best answer .
The are advantage of the range of user behavior in YA to inquire into several aspects of question-answer dynamics.
First is contrasted content properties and social network interactions across different YA categories .
The second , identified related categories. By asking whether a user who answers questions in one category is also likely to answer in another.
Finally , attempted to predict best answers based on at tributes of the question and the replier.

In future work , we would more and more rely on YA knowledge sharing . YA has
Accomplished a large feat – everyone know something, and through our analysis .
But the problem is , the forum still not useful and clear because there not always has the professional person to join the knowledge forum , I think, maybe is … …. They wouldn’t give the free answer ..HA, I ‘m joking . But my suggestion is YA can provide the more convenience and aeriform benefit to the knowledge provider then the YA knowledge forum must be get together more and more users who will not change they knowledge but also provide their valuable experience .